Kantrak Adventist School
The founders of SALT Ministries had been educated in part at Seventh-day Adventist schools. On graduating from a public university, Tim and Wendy Maddocks moved to Western Samoa, where Tim taught science in a Seventh-day Adventist boarding school. Three years later the family moved to Fiji, where Tim continued to teach Science at the Adventist school called Fulton College. It was therefore natural that God should lead Tim and Wendy to establish a Seventh-day Adventist School at Wat Preah Yesu. The school began in 1999 as a literacy school for poor children. In the year 2004, the school was officially recognised by the Cambodian government as a Primary school. Having a Seventh-day Adventist School is important as the government schools all open on Saturdays and many schools will not allow children to have Saturdays off.
Today, May 2008, the Cambodia Adventist School-Kantrok, has 310 students studying in grades K-9. God has incredibly blessed the school providing us with 16 classrooms. The student body is about 50% village children and 42% Wat Preah Yesu children and 8% boarding students. The children follow the Cambodian government Khmer language curriculum for 3 hours each day, and an English curriculum for 3 hours each day. The children also receive Bible teachings as a subject. In addition the curriculum includes art (yr 7-9), technical studies (yr 7-9), computing (yr 5-9).
The school is registered as one of the Cambodia Adventist Missionrural schools, but is operated and funded by SALT Ministries. The school is not operated sustainability because none of our church members children or the children from non-Christian homes could afford to pay the sustainable school fee. At present we charge a nominal fee of ranging between USD 41 to 49 per student per year, but many families are too poor to pay this. The staff at the school are all volunteers receiving USD 85 for singles and USD 105 for families per month. This keeps them alive with nothing left at the end of the month. We praise God for there faithfulness and commitment to giving the children a Christian Education.
The school is as much a faith venture as SALT Ministries other activities. Each month we pray that sufficient funds will come in to keep the school open for another month. God has been good to our school giving not only a lovely buildings, but also a dedicated staff and keen children.Â
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